Living Wellness

The Medical Trianon

HealthShare 2000-plus


 Health Insurance – A better Way!


The politics of the healthcare debate has ignored the simple fact that there is a very simple and innovative free-market healthcare delivery plan that may be the answer to the current debate. It is a two-party (patient-provider) all inclusive system which removes the middleman and covers anyone who wants healthcare coverage. There are no co-pays, no exclusions, no billing by doctors and other providers, no claims and best of all, it is a free-market system that will not add one dollar to the national debt and may reduce present healthcare costs by over $1.2 trillion. It is not insurance.


It was developed by Dr. Leon Bleiberg of Newbury Park, CA and approved by the U. S. Department of Labor under the ERISA Law. It is currently sitting on the shelf because it has been suppressed by the Insurance lobby for more than 30 years. The plan is “shovel-ready” and may be implemented now with minimal or no cost to the Government. It is a free market system.


Who should be interested in this system? All the major players – if they really care – the government, Employer groups, Labor Unions, Insurance companies, doctors/providers and Investors. I think you too should take a look, and you will agree with everyone who has seen this plan and say that, it is the cure for our current sick and broken system. It is not insurance. The plan will cover all 307 million citizens of this country since it gives incentives to providers to service areas which may not currently be serviced including urban and hard to reach rural areas.


Please review the attached 2-page summary below.




                A Healthcare System for the Nations

                      Health Share 2000-plus


Dr. Leon W. Bleiberg, of The Medical Trianon, has developed a healthcare delivery system over a long period of time. This program by Dr. Bleiberg, a retired Podiatric Surgeon, is shovel-ready for implementation now without a major expense to the government or the adopting entity. It is an outstanding solution to our current sick health insurance system. In particular, you will be impressed with the free market aspect of the program. It does not call for heavy government spending, or government interference in the lives of the people.


The program, which is approved by the U.S Department of Labor under the ERISA (Employee Income Security Act of 1974) Law, would:


(1) Give the member/patient 100 % healthcare coverage with no additional cost to him/her. The basic membership fee of the program takes care of all costs;


(2) Provide steady increased income to physicians and providers, and eliminates all paperwork related to billing; there is no billing, no claims, no deductibles, no accounts receivable and therefore no collections or bad debt. There are no exclusions of pre-existing condition or exclusions of any kind;


(3) Provides direct patient-doctor/provider relationship; there is no middleman;


(4) Cut employers cost by over 50% of current insurance premiums. 


(5) Cost for a family of four is approximately $250 - 300/month in California or about $260 for national program for a family of four – for all medical services including lab work and hospitalization. Single or individual would be about 30% lower. All members pay the same and received same services – all medical services.


Best of all, It is Accessible, Cost Effective and Fiscally Sound.  It promises a panacea for most interested parties – the public, the government and the medical profession/providers. It does not add to the federal deficit.


You, too, may agree that it could be the most innovative program ever developed in the field of healthcare.






Though the system has some elements of similarity to the present system of Capitation it is not the same. Unlike the present system, HealthShare 2000-plus


A. Pays separate Retainers to each field of service detailed by the operational divisions within the provider network. This network is composed of all fields of service within the framework of the total benefit structure.


B. Providers are comprised of professional practitioners, hospitals, specialists, allied healthcare personnel, etc. This contractual system covers all benefits through the commitment of the provider network.


C. While the current system of indemnification is salary-based, and pays for services rendered, which is fraught with uncertainty, uncontrolled costs, abuse, fraud and waste it is not so with HealthShare 2000-plus, which is based on fees for services offered. There is a firm contractual assurance that all services and benefits that are to be rendered prophylactically and therapeutically are paid for by “retainer” before the member/consumer ever needs that service. There is no billing before or after service is rendered.


D. The system has no intermediary decision makers between the provider and the member. It is a direct doctor-patient relationship. The selection of treatment is discussed and made between patient and doctor.


E. The elimination of the intermediary means that over 80% of members’ fees/premiums are paid directly to doctors/providers at the beginning of each month.


E. The elimination of billing saves the provider more than 65% in paperwork and administration costs.


F. The substantial cost reduction, the built-in regulatory system, the free market-free choice feature, as well as the total streamlining results in a total win-win program for all sides – the employer, the employee, the government and the national economy.


G. It provides incentives for providers to practice in urban as well as hard to reach rural areas.


 Joseph Ackah






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