Living Wellness

Cutting through Obstacles - Tibetan Monks & Nuns 2009 Tour

October 10 - through October 25th in Los Angeles, CA. area.
The Zangdokpalri Foundation for Great Compassion Presents Rigdzin Dorje Rinpoche with the Monks & Nuns of Zangdokpalri

His Holiness the Dalai Lama received
the Blessing of Kunzang Dechen Lingpa's
terma at the Blessing of the Foundation of the Temple in Arunachal

"This Healing Chod was one of the most beautiful, important
things I have done for myself." - Sharon Salzberg

The Tibetan Healing Chod: The unique Healing Chod from the mind treasure of Kunzang Dechen Lingpa is an ancient Buddhist ritual known for its power to heal mental and physical sickness, remove karmic obstacles to spiritual growth, and address human suffering. During this multiple-session Healing Chö ceremony, there will be no teachings to listen to, no instructions to follow or techniques to learn. Just bring your favorite pillow, a blanket or mat, lay down and relax while Rinpoche and the monks and nuns perform four musically compelling rituals (with breaks in between). The sacred sound of drums, bells, horns, chants and mantra, along with the accomplished realizations of Rinpoche and the monks and nuns, initiate the favorable conditions necessary to pacify the causes of discord and illness. For Healing Chod please plan to arrive a 15-30 minutes earlier than the scheduled starting time of the first session.

See Schedule on our Home Page Scheduling and Link for Los Angeles & West Coast times and locations.

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Comment by Dwain Mount on June 7, 2012 at 5:41am

I harmonize with your conclusions and will thirstily look forward to your approaching updates. =-=


WALK ACROSS THE WORLD is a worldwide coordinated program bringing spiritual and community leaders, children and adults into global collaboration to 'Walk for Tolerance & Understanding’. Walker’s distances will be logged throughout the year to culminate annually on October 2nd. Our goal is to have the combined total distance covered on all the walks in a year’s time equal the circumference of our Earth, some 24,800 miles.

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