Living Wellness

THE idea that things can cease to exist and still be, is a fundamental one in Eastern psychology. Under this apparent contradiction in terms, there rests a fact of Nature to realize is the important thing.

A familiar instance of a similar paradox is afforded by chemical combination. The question whether Hydrogen and Oxygen cease to exist, when they combine to form water, is still a moot one.

Some [argue] that since they are found again when the water is decomposed, they must be there all the while—others contending that as they actually turn into something totally different, they must cease to exist as themselves for the time being.

“Neither side is able to form the faintest conception of the real condition of a thing, which has become something else and yet has not ceased to be itself.”

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Existence as water may be said to be, for Oxygen and Hydrogen, a state of Non-being which is ‘more real being’ than their existence as gases.

To our talpatic, or mole-like, comprehension the human spirit is then lost in the One Spirit, as the drop of water thrown into the sea can no longer be traced out and recovered. But de facto it is not so.

Everyone “must preserve their divine (not human) individualities, and...

“… however long the rest period between worlds or births. When the rest is over, “the same individual [spirit] resumes its majestic path of evolution, though on a higher, hundredfold perfected and more pure chain of earths than before — and brings with it all the essence of compound spiritualities from its previous countless rebirths.”

Evolution has a spiral motion and is dual, according to Blavatsky — “the path of spirituality turns, corkscrew-like, within and around physical, semi-physical, and supra-physical evolution.

[H. P. Blavatsky, Article: Isis Unveiled and the Vishishtadwaita]

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