THESE ARE transformational times, and new orders of thought based on ancient verities are seen flowering once more.
A growing number of New Thought leaders are fostering a welcome shift in human consciousness.
It is a revolutionary shift. The seeds of change evident throughout the 20th Century, and now in the 21st, were sown in the 19th—sparked by the Theosophical Movement.
Progress on the New Frontiers is gradually building momentum. We are discovering new ways of furthering the shift away from a morally purposeless, material-based worldview.
“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” -Proverbs 23:7
New Age ideas gaining ground today, and we noticed recently a common thread running through them all. Whether it be biology, psychology, physics, cosmology, healing arts—all seem to be rooted in what is called simply: “The Field."
Credit must be given to
Lynn McTaggart for her seminal work The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe where she gathers together and popularizes the work of many often isolated researchers.
It would be difficult to overstate the importance of her contributions.
The Living Matrix
This is the first film to bring together scientists and academics to reveal scientific evidence that “The Field” surrounds us. We can heal our bodies and we can create from our mind.
“[W]e are beginning to see into the secrets of the subconscious as well as the deepest regions of consciousness,”
Blavatsky wrote, “showing us how little of the real self we are aware of…
…a self which seems without limit, apparently omniscient and all powerful, beyond all limitations of time and space, and where earthly things and interests grow pale and indistinct.”
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