Living Wellness

ANCIENT SAGES taught that this physical world is interpenetrated by a series of increasingly ethereal worlds or fields, composed of energy-substances beyond our range of perception.

The fields closest to us are referred to as the “astral light.” It is already confirmed by science that the fundamental building block of matter is energy. And all physical life, from crystals to the atoms and cells of our body emit this energy in the form of photons—waves and particles of light.

Energy and substance are one and inseparable. Because, as everyone now understands, matter is really energy, made up of what science calls “atoms”— the immanent energy which ancient teachers understood as an aspect of spirit.

The Theosophical wisdom tradition explains that:-

"Spirit and matter are one, being the two opposite poles of the universal manifested substance. …the opposite poles of subject and object, spirit and matter, are but aspects of the One Unity in which they are synthesized…"

The Russian electrical engineer, Semyon Kirlian, with his famous photographs of the subtle light emissions of leaves, radiating even from inanimate objects, was the first modern to publicize the discovery.

Thousands of people have since had their astral photographs taken with so-called “aura cameras.” The technology makes for brisk business at psychic fairs and New Age conferences—but might there be something more significant about these fields than pretty pictures?

Disease processes often get stuck in our field, explaining why energy healing techniques, like EFT, meditation and yoga—which help to reestablish a clear flow of information energy in our field—are so frequently beneficial.

As this video explains, disease occurs first in the energy field around the body, long before it is detected in the physical.

Watch Video: Latticework Energy Patterns

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