EVERY organ and cell in the body has a field, by which it mysteriously networks with every other organ and cell. The heart and gut talk to the brain. And the brain’s holographic networks are due to the noetic fields of its cells and neurons.
The Field is the underlying mechanism of healing, of thought transference, gene behavior, and the way the environment influences us — it is the real “secret” behind the power of intention.…
THESE ARE transformational times, and new orders of thought based on ancient verities are seen flowering once more.
A growing number of New Thought leaders are fostering a welcome shift in human consciousness.
It is a revolutionary shift. The seeds of change evident throughout the 20th Century, and now in the 21st, were sown in the 19th—sparked by the Theosophical Movement.…
Helena Blavatsky was the first to refer to nature spirits as elementals.
“Some classes of elementals… have an intelligence of their own and a character…”
“A plant can be receptive or non-receptive, though every plant without an exception feels and has a consciousness of its own. But besides the latter, every plant—from the gigantic tree down to the minutest fern or blade of grass—has, Occultism teaches us, an Elemental entity of which it is the outward… Continue
Added by Odin on July 7, 2009 at 9:00am —
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WALK ACROSS THE WORLD is a worldwide coordinated program bringing spiritual and community leaders, children and adults into global collaboration to 'Walk for Tolerance & Understanding’. Walker’s distances will be logged throughout the year to culminate annually on October 2nd. Our goal is to have the combined total distance covered on all the walks in a year’s time equal the circumference of our Earth, some 24,800 miles.
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